Hi there! I’m not much one for journaling, and I already have a tumblr, so the life expectancy of an additional blog seemed rather grim. However, over the last few years, I’ve accumulated various writing knowledge like a decorator crab, and it just might be time for me to sort it into some useful piles for others on this rocky road we call publishing. So keep an eye out on this space for at least a noble attempt at some helpful writing on… well, writing. I’m planning on covering the following topics:

  • I Just Wrote A Book, Now What?
  • Punching Up Prose
  • Plotting vs. Pantsing
  • Worldbuilding foundations
  • Querying, or We’re All In This Hell Together
  • A Frank Discussion Of The Money

If there’s any other topics you’d like me to cover, leave your suggestions in the comments below! XO, MO